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Sunday, October 29, 2017

MONEY by itself is NOT evil, but the "LOVE of Money is EVIL

MONEY by itself is NOT evil, 
but the "LOVE of Money is EVIL

MONEY by itself is NOT evil, but the "LOVE of Money is EVIL"... 
If you love MONEY more than GOD, then that is IDOLATRY.

 IF YOU HAVE MONEY, and you can not let go of your hand to give or help to the poor or needy(that is including especially poor siblings, relatives, renters,employees, etc) that is LOVING MONEY more than GOD. 

If you are mocking the poor or needy then you love money more than God. HOW CAN YOU SAY, YOU LOVE GOD(that you cannot see), & NOT LOVE people(that you obviously see).....This is hypocrisy......

If you have MONEY, and does NOT give your tithes & offerings to your CHURCH so it can help REACHING the UNSAVED, & EXPAND the KINGDOM of GOD, then you LOVE MONEY more than GOD. If you have really faith, you will believe that AS YOU GIVE, IT WILL BE GIVEN BACK TO YOU multiple times back. Anything you put above God is idolatry. Idolatry can be your job, spouse, children, business, perfume, hobbies, pets, sins, addictions, etc. If God tells you to give up some things, and you refuse, that is sin of IDOLATRY....

Human contact with the material world begins at birth and terminates at death. But Christian hope takes the believer beyond the material limit to a boundless eternity, and logically, then, eternal values must shape our view of temporal things. To put it simply, Job and Paul mean that "things," their value and usefulness, pertain to this world, which is but a temporary home

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