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Wednesday, March 24, 2021




the general public has no idea of the
vaccine industries corruption
power influence wealth crimes and
i'll give some links to that information
in a minute especially well hidden is
the human
suffering caused by this industry so how
is it possible that information like
that can be hidden from the public
the short answer is money vaccine
companies collect much more profit than
most other industries
and that profit is used to purchase
corrupt legislation
and media propaganda to mislead the
public about how safe and effective
vaccines are we know that most medical
products and services are priced higher
than other industries but the vaccine

has leveraged that to new levels the
vaccine industry does not have to
retail stores the laboratories they
maintain are relatively small
and few and they hold patents on their
products which gives them monopoly
on their product pricing but then they
their massive cash reserves to sponsor
legislation to
transfer most of their operating costs
to taxpayers
they have managed to get government and
taxpayers to not only
take full risk for vaccine injuries and
they have arranged for government and
media to do most of the marketing and
of vaccine products so most of the costs
of running a business
are either non-existent for vaccines or
they have managed to get others to
pay for it with the ever-increasing
profits they enjoy the vaccine industry
continually sponsors the narrative
that vaccines are good and perfect and
no one should be against them
this even after taxpayers have paid
billions of dollars
for wrongful deaths caused by vaccines
but through all of our media the vaccine
industry constantly reminds us that
there is no one more wrong-headed
than an anti-vaxxer how dare you
question the sacred
facts that's the kind of thing you can
do when you control
media through private global
organizations like gavi
and world health organization and public
agencies like the cdc
and fda the vaccine industry literally
controls nation states policies on
and health care in general if there ever
a regulatory watchdog over the vaccine
industry those days are long gone
the vaccine industry has recruited
government to not only be
the marketer of their products that same
government is the purchaser
reseller and promoter of most vaccine
government and media in return for
billions in advertising and outright
bribes vigorously performed the role of
salesmen to push vaccine products
globally and to promote the ludicrous
idea that vaccines can simply do no
they spread this propaganda not just by
controlling media but by controlling
scientific research
controlling academia and by lobbying for
legislation that promotes
pharmaceutical industry interests and
suppresses all
competition all it takes is money
that is why you only hear good things
about vaccines in all your mainstream
the narrative is that anyone who
questions vaccines is endangering
public health they shame people they
virtue signal
but they never tell you the real science
and track record of vaccines
what you don't hear about is that the
damage from these programs
is huge every year millions
of people are killed or injured by
vaccine products
but on the news they speak as if to
doubt the perfection of vaccines is
socially irresponsible
mainstream media sells airtime to
vaccine companies so
media is captured by vaccine industry
why do you suppose in the last few years
social media platforms
and search engines started censoring any
negative information about vaccines
all it takes is money the vaccine
has put such a lock on media that if you
so much as
question the safety or effectiveness of
vaccines on any public platform
you are likely to be censored what used
to be common day-to-day free speech
is now brutally and shamelessly
news reporters regularly speak of
as if everyone wants them and as if we
all agree
that adverse reactions are rare and
trivial we've all heard those
self-contradicting narratives like if
you get sick and we're not vaccinated
that must be covid because there's no
longer any such thing as the common cold
and if you are vaccinated and you get
sick or die
it wasn't caused by either covid or the
vaccination it was just a coincidence
it's pretty obvious we're not getting
the truth about covid
or vaccines what you don't know
definitely can hurt you to download a
free document on risks and side effects
of vaccines
go to vaccines
vaccines carry risk of death and
disabling injuries
if you accept vaccination for you or
your children
you should be fully informed about all
and you should be given a choice and you
should not be denied access to any
travel or other services
for making that choice but just imagine
if you started a company and were able
to get the government to buy your
get the government to pay for all the
mistakes you make and any harm you cause
get the government and media to censor
any unfavorable information about your
products and industry
force the public to use your products in
any press release you write up will be
immediately reported by media
as if it were hard news but it gets
there used to be a very rigid and
testing and approval process for vaccine
products it took six or seven years
with covid19 the approval process was
thrown out
the window under the guise of fabricated
and politicized global emergency they no
longer have to conduct testing
as they did before and they can release
the vaccine directly to the public and
that be the experiment to see if the
product is safe
or how well it works we are constantly
over and over by government and media
how safe and effective vaccines are when
they cause
over a hundred thousand deaths reported
every year nationally
and many more unreported we are
constantly told
how vaccines prevent disease when we
have more chronic disease now than ever
before in history
more vaccines than ever before as well
more than 50 percent of children now
have chronic disease and
independent research attributes much of
that to vaccines
yet we are constantly told by government
by media
that vaccines are so good for us they
are not
vaccines are possibly the most
profitable industry
operating today and those profits are
used to lie to you
to keep the truth from you and keep you
chronically ill
it's no secret in the medical industry
that when people can be kept ill
or dependent on medications medical
industry profits are higher
and that includes the vaccine industry
we no longer know when our doctor is
trying to help us
or trying to make money hundreds of
billions of dollars are spent to assure
that people
will think they need vaccinations that
people will never be told the hazards
and harm
caused by vaccinations that people who
are killed
and injured by vaccines will have no
and their families will be routed
through a bureaucratic maze that leads
nowhere for most of them the proof of
what i'm saying
is that the real competition for
vaccines is rarely mentioned
by mainstream media the real competition
for vaccines
is your own immune system
society quickly develops herd immunity
for any natural biological pathogens
the immune system is what has protected
humanity through the ages and it is the
best protection we will ever have
vaccines are clumsy dangerous crude
ineffective deadly and at the very best
but your government and media will never
tell you that because they are paid
to not tell you that do i have a right
to express these facts and opinions of
course i do
but i am guessing that it will not take
long for the vaccine industry to
suppress this video
if people like you do not share this
video it will disappear
in the growing censorship abyss that
swallows up objective vaccine truth
these days if you doubt anything i have
said i will refer you to some very
important websites where you will find
enough hard scientific reference
to support everything i have said and
then some
those websites are children's health
defense dot org
james corbett's
and dell big trees high wire podcasts at and at those websites
you will find links
to many other highly credible scientists
and researchers who are not afraid
to talk about vaccines honestly
let me conclude by simply saying that
the damage that may be done to your body
and health by vaccines
is irreversible once you are vaccinated
you cannot unvaccinate vaccines
any kind of injection bypasses our
natural immunity mechanisms
and pathogenic defensive barriers
by injecting something anything you
multiply the toxic effect it has
on your body in many cases vaccines are
intentionally toxic
to shock your system into an artificial
immune response
injection is very dangerous and the
pharmaceutical industry
to a great extent has prevented those
words from being spoken
as it kills and injures people every day
that is why non-consensual vaccination
was criminalized
after world war ii that is why we must
not let the propaganda drown out
reality and common sense that is why we
to share this information

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